Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Facial Restructuring With Botulinum | A comprehensive study ...Read On!

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The human faceundergoes changes due to daily wear and tear, aging, environmental damage. Signs of aging appear in the form of lines and wrinkles, deepening folds, sagging jaw-line, volume loss leading to the appearance of a fatigued and grumpy look.
The numerous anti-aging creams and lotions available fail to repair the skin adequately.
Barring cosmetic surgery, very few modalities help to shape up the face. Botulinum toxin and fillers remain the most sought after and the safest means to achieve this.
Botulinum toxin (BTX) , a protein which relaxes the muscles, has been in use for years to reduce lines and wrinkles on the upper face, giving a rested appearance to the visage. This caused in-congruency between the smooth upper face and the sagging lower face.
Now BTX has been increasingly used to perk up the sagging lower face by enabling a mini jaw-lift.
Use of small amounts of BTX along the jaw and on the neck bands helps to reduce the downward pull of the platysma muscle thereby decreasing the sagging of the jawline. This is called as the Nefertiti Lift after the Egyptian Queen Nefertiti who was famed for her beauty. This non-surgical mini-lift helps give a sharper well-defined jaw.
Similarly BTX helps to lift up the drooping corners of the mouth and also raise the eyebrows (brow-lift). Injecting small amounts of BTX on the cheeks helps to reduce open pores, stretches the skin, reduces oiliness and gives a glow on the skin.
All these effects can last for 4-6 mths and can be repeated safely.
Thus BTX used judiciously by an expert hand can help push back surgery and give a youthful and rejuvenated appearance.
Skincare anti-aging clinic

About the Author

The human face undergoes changes due to daily wear and tear, aging, environmental damage. Signs of aging appear in the form of lines and wrinkles, deepening folds, sagging jaw-line, volume loss leading to the appearance of a fatigued and grumpy look.

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